

S N Donor Program VDC Budget in NRs
1 PAF Poverty Reduction Program 4 VDCs 680525.00
2 Fund Board Safe Community Drinking Water Health Education and Sanitation Programs 7 VDCs 9th Scheme 6330245.00
3 Jaleshwor Muncipality Local Governance Community Development Program 3 Wards of Muncipality 450000.00
4 CARE/ Nepal Churiya Livelihood Improvement Program 10 VDCs 7979567.36
5 CARE/ Nepal Kitchen Garden 2 VDCs 70000.00
6 UNDP/LRP IGA,ME & TT Program 38 VDCs 160684.00
7 UNDP/LRP Social Mobilization for Livelihood Recovery for Peace (LRP) Project 38 VDCs 4781830.00
8 NNCTR/INCTR Cancer Education Program HPV Vaccine Program 50 VDCs 10 School 207352.00 300000.00
9 LGAF Based Monitoring of Local Government/Public Goods & services 2VDCs & Municipality 882340.73
10 DDC Mahottari Local Governance Community Development Project 6 VDC 900000.00