
5th Thematic meeting(ECCD facilitators) was successfully conducted

The program “Sammunati baal balika ko lagi” (Sponsorship) program has been conducting by Ratauli Yuwa Club (RYC) since August 2017 in support of Save the Children in Coordination of local government and others stakeholder of Jaleshwar municipality in Mahottari district. The project has been implementing in Jaleshwar municipality. This meeting was 5th Thematic meeting (ECCD Facilitators) and last meeting of the year 2018 had been conducted at Shree Mahendra Aadarsh Mahila Ma.Vi. Jaleshwar-1 on the date of 23rd November,2018. This type of meeting has conducted in mobile meeting methodology from beginning. So that it is called mobile meeting also and the event Thematic meeting (ECCD Facilitators) carried the objectives below:

  • To share and updating the knowledge and experience to each other’s among ECCD facilitators
  • To rapport building and interaction with ECCD facilitators
  • To have action plans to improve ECCD centers.