
Ratauli Yuwa Club,Mahottari Successfully celebrated 31th Annual General Assembly and activities publication

Ratauli Yuwa Club,Mahottari successfully celebrated 31th Annual general assembly on the date of 30th October, 2022 in Jaleshwar Mahottari . The auspicious occasion organization invites respective icons of Chief of DDC Mahottari Mr. Suman Kumar Lal Karn  given best wishes for the success of 31th Annual General Assembly of Ratauli Yuwa Club,Mahottari (RYC).

Municipality level education plan development workshop

Save the children funded “Sammunati-Bal balika ko lagi” (Sponsorship) program has been implementing from August 2017 at Jaleshwar municipality in the local partnership of Ratauli Yuwa Club (RYC) Mahottari. The major goal of the program is to strengthen the capacity of community level structures for serving the quality services by implement ECCD, BE, SHN, AD/ASST, ASRH and Livelihood program in community for ensuring the child protection, child participation, child survival, child development and increase in the access of education to all because Education is one of the fundamental infrastructures of development. The importance of education is common to every country whether underdeveloped or developed. The world experiences heightened need of knowledge. It is essential to realize and invest in education for better development opportunities in the future. To some extent, Nepalese seem to be ignorant in this regard and have been losing the benefits from being educated. So, the program has been conducting activities to assist in community development for access of children in education, cognitive, physical, mental and health development of children by various types of implementing relevant vision, interventions and its monitoring and evaluation through community mobilization and enhancing the capacity of stakeholders, elected bodies and local government.

The event “Municipality level education plan development workshop” organized for fulfills the programs objectives and goal. It supports to develop the updated and generation demanded education plan for Jaleshwar municipality.


Jaleshwar municipality develops the education plan according to constitution and national education policy is the main objectives of event.

Specific objectives:

  • To support the municipality in updated and generation demanded municipality level education plan development
  • To rapport building with education related stakeholders of municipality
  • To conduct the education related activities easily and smoothly


The event “Municipality level education plan development workshop” successfully organized on the date of 4th and 5th October (2 days) at meeting hall of Nepal Red cross society Jaleshwar Mahottari .

Support for Disaster Risk Reduction(DRR)

We supported at respected Rural/Municipality in Mahottari district given below :

  1. Jaleshwarnath Municipality,
  2. Matihani Municipality,
  3. Pipra Rural Municipality,
  4. Mahottari Rural Municipality   
  • 148 Food-Items and 1152 Non-Food-Items were supported to flood affected HHs in Jaleshwarnath Municipality in August, 2017.
  • 499 HHs got benefited where individuals get Blanket to protect from cold in January, 018
  • Provided DRR Training to Stakeholders of 5 Schools and Jaleshwarnath Municipality to make SBDRR PoA in 2018.
  • Provided Training and supported vegetable and rice seed to 1444 farmers in flood affected area ofJaleshwar Municipality.
  • Provided DRR Training to Elected Persons of Jaleshwarnath Municipality of Palika and Ward level.
  • Supported in preparing Jaleshwarnath Municipality Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan-2018.
  • Installed 20 Hand-pipes in flood affected area of Jaleshwarnath Municipality.
  • Renovation worked at 13 Flood affected schools and schools WASH facilities in Mahottari
  • Renovation worked and supported teaching learning activities to 3 resource schools in Mahottari,
  • Provided School Kits to 58 flood affected schools
  • Provided ECCD Kits to 38 flood affected ECD Centers
  • Provided Student Kits to flood affected 31 School Schools
  • Provided Students Kits to 3867 flood affected Students in Mahottri district
  • Water treatment(Bleaching) in hand pump in flood affected area of Jaleshwarnath Municipality, Mahottari
  • Constructed 40 toilet at flood affected community of Jaleshwarnath Municipality, Mahottari

Gender and Social Inclusion

  • There are 23 child marriage eradication committees have  been formed including the all critical stakeholders out of 23 working VDCs in order to identify and advocate against the major social harmful practices like child marriage, dowry and other form of gender based violence.
  • As wings of those 23  child marriage eradication committees 207 peer educators ,  child marriage eradication monitoring committees , 23 School based anti-gender based violence forums and 69 young girls club have been formed including 80% women members among them 25 % Dalit , 4% Janjati and 4% Muslims as well.
  • 92 girls have provided scholarship of NRs 10000.00 per girl who were in the risk of child marriage.
  •  There were 85 cases related to these above issues have been addressed and tackled by  the community and off course the different local and national media have initiated the issues more than 50 times.